
I'm a current undergraduate at American University in Washington, DC. I'm majoring in Data Science & Computer Science with an expected graduation date of June (Summer) 2022. Most of my experiences are in web development, design, and statistical analysis, but I am hoping to broaden my pursuits to improve my skills in full-stack development, machine learning, and data engineering.

I'm from a rural town in Hawaii known as Nānākuli. I came from nothing– my grandparents came as refugees fleeing from the Laotian Civil War in the 60s and my family has lived a life of cyclical poverty ever since. I grew up hungry and insecure, unsure of whether my future was bright. Statistics was not on my side. As a child of incarcerated parents, a victim of abuse and poverty, and a child in the foster care system, I was not supposed to make it past high school. But I vowed never to be a statistic, and to prove to everyone that resilience, drive, and a willingness to learn can lift your prospects up tremendously. Thank you for being a part of my journey.


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